Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer

Have you been charged with a crime in Plano, TX? If so, the only true way to protect yourself is to fight back with the strongest defense possible. Call our experienced Plano criminal defense lawyers at Edgett Law Firm at 972-525-4963 for legal help.
Whether you’re facing felony charges or misdemeanor charges, your future is at risk. We offer a free initial consultation, so there’s no risk in reaching out for legal advice. Our seasoned trial attorneys have decades of criminal law experience. We’ve successfully helped thousands of clients–and we use that experience to your advantage.
Any criminal conviction can leave you with a criminal record that will haunt you for years. Let our experienced defense lawyers fight to minimize the consequences for you. If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, contact an experienced Plano criminal lawyer today.
Why Should I Hire An Experienced Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer?
When you walk into a Texas courtroom, you can expect the state to be represented by attorneys who have put together enough evidence to make you look guilty. To succeed in your defense, you have to even the playing field. Hiring your own experienced criminal lawyer is the best way to do that. Here are some of the key reasons why you should reach out to our legal team at Edgett Law Firm for help today.
Was Your Arrest Legal? We’ll Investigate To Find Out
Even though the police make arrests every day, an arrest is actually a big deal. Once the police bring you into the legal system, every aspect of your life can be impacted. You’re also not likely to get out without some degree of hassle–even if the whole thing was a misunderstanding.
That’s why the police are required to follow strict procedures when making an arrest. They can’t arrest you for any reason whatsoever. The police have to have some evidence that you’ve broken the law. Unfortunately, the police are human and don’t always follow the rules. Some police officers even manipulate the circumstances to make it look like your arrest was lawful when it wasn’t.
Our criminal attorneys will closely evaluate the circumstances surrounding your arrest. We’ll listen to your story. Then we’ll use our substantial experience to find out whether the police were really justified in making the arrest. If your arrest was illegal to begin with, we’ll fight to have the judge drop the criminal charges against you.
We Make Determining Whether Your Rights Were Violated A Priority
Under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. constitution, you cannot be required to incriminate yourself. To protect this important right, you have the right to have an attorney present when the police are questioning you. If you make any statements after you’ve tried to exercise your right to call an attorney, your rights may have been violated.
Contrary to popular belief, your entire case likely won’t be thrown out if the police violated one of your rights. We make determining whether your rights were violated a priority because violating your rights can actually damage the prosecution’s case. We may be able to:
- Get any statements you made without an attorney excluded if your Fifth Amendment rights were violated
- Have evidence obtained in an illegal search and seizure thrown out
- Have your statements excluded if your Miranda rights were violated
Getting this type of evidence excluded from trial can break the prosecution’s case against you. If the prosecutors lack sufficient evidence to proceed, your entire case could be thrown out.
Careful Investigation Can Make Or Break A Criminal Case
Preparation is key when it comes to building a winning criminal defense. The sooner the investigation begins, the sooner our lawyers can begin to construct a solid criminal defense that works in your case. That investigation includes determining whether your constitutional rights have been violated–and much more.
At Edgett Law Firm, we’re ready to put in the hard work and research needed to get results for you. Any successful defense has to be firmly based on evidence. Even when the prosecution hands over the evidence they have, it will likely be evidence that makes you look guilty.
It’s not up to the prosecution to find the evidence that’s favorable to your case. That’s our job. We conduct a comprehensive investigation into your case that includes:
- Gathering all evidence, both favorable and unfavorable
- Evaluating evidence, including police reports, eyewitness statements, scientific evidence and more
- Working with experts who can help interpret the evidence if necessary
- Interviewing witnesses
Your defense will be built upon the results of our investigation. The investigation also helps us learn whether the prosecution has a strong case against you. We will work tirelessly to learn every detail about your case to give you the best chance of a successful outcome.
The State Will Benefit From Experts. You Should, Too
Specialists and expert witnesses can be useful during nearly all stages of the criminal process. In cases involving complex or scientific information, the state will almost always benefit from the use of experts. Our lawyers will make sure you do, too.
Experts who might help with your defense include:
- Medical experts
- Psychologists and mental health specialists
- Forensic scientists
- Ballistics experts
- DNA experts
- Fingerprint experts
- Breath test experts
- Crime scene reconstruction experts
- Computer specialists
- Technology professionals
These experts can help us interpret the evidence obtained during our investigation. They can also provide evidence that discredits the prosecution’s evidence.
Our Plano criminal defense lawyers have been working with experts in the area for decades. We know who to call and when to call them. To learn more about how you can benefit from these resources, give our lawyers at Edgett Law Firm a call today.
We Stand Ready To Take Your Case To Trial
Criminal cases are often resolved behind the scenes, without any trial at all. That can be a good thing because it saves you time and money. It can also mean you haven’t put up a strong enough fight if you’re accepting an unfair plea bargain.
At Edgett Law Firm, we begin every case with the assumption that we’ll see it through trial before a judge and jury. Our reputation was built on our success in the courtroom. We’re confident in our abilities at trial–and the district attorney and prosecutors assigned to your case know that.
We examine every aspect of your case so that we’re ready for the prosecutor’s cross-examination. Because the prosecutor knows that we won’t hesitate to go to trial, they’re much more willing to negotiate a fair plea deal. That can be valuable if it’s a deal that protects your best interests.
The state knows that they either have to give you a great deal, dismiss your charges or face off against our proven defense lawyers at trial.
Our Plano, Tx Law Firm Handles All Types Of Criminal Cases
At Edgett Law Firm, we don’t think that a “minor” criminal charge really exists. Whether you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or serious felony, the consequences can be long-lasting. We’ll do everything we can to poke holes in the prosecution’s case to increase your chances of success.
We routinely help clients charged with:
- Assault
- Burglary
- Domestic violence
- Drug crimes
- Federal crimes
- Homicide
- Juvenile crimes
- Manslaughter
- Restraining orders
- Sex crimes
- Sexual assault
- Shoplifting
- Theft crimes
- Violent crimes
- Weapons charges
- White-collar crimes
- And more
Our lawyers can also help with the criminal appeals process or getting an expungement of your prior criminal record.
Regardless of the charges against you, the criminal process is usually overwhelming and intimidating. Often, clients feel this way because they don’t know what will happen next. Our Texas criminal defense lawyers understand and are here to help.
If you have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense, our legal team will keep you informed throughout the entire process. We have been handling criminal cases for decades and know what to expect. We’ll make sure you benefit from that knowledge every step of the way.
To start the process, all you have to do is call for a free consultation. We’re here to discuss the details of your case and offer our honest and straightforward opinion about your defense options.
Should I Cooperate With The Police & Prosecutors?
You should always remain calm and be respectful, but you don’t have to help police and prosecutors do their jobs. Police and prosecutors have to follow specific rules when speaking with suspects and people in custody. Giving them too much information can damage your case down the line.
When you’re being questioned, someone who has training in interrogation is listening. These people know the right questions to ask to get you talking. That’s why it’s best to say as little as possible. Again, be polite–but don’t share details even if you think you have nothing to hide.
What Should I Do If I’m Arrested?
The criminal justice system might seem like it has its own unique language. Most people who are arrested or taken for questioning don’t speak this language fluently. That’s why it’s always best to exercise your right to have an attorney present.
If you’re arrested, all you have to do is tell the police that you want to call an attorney and exercise your right to remain silent. Call Edgett Law Firm and our experienced Plano criminal defense lawyers will take over communications from there.
Plano Criminal Practice Areas
Our extensive criminal defense practice includes:
- Drug Crimes. In drug cases, it’s important to determine whether the police found the drugs legally. This is true whether you’re being charged with drug possession, possession with intent to distribute or trafficking and/or manufacturing charges. If the police found the drugs in an illegal search, our lawyers can file a motion to have the evidence excluded from trial. In most cases, that could result in a dismissal. At the very least, it makes the prosecution’s job much more difficult. Our lawyers meticulously analyze every detail to get the best results possible given the facts.
- DWI. Driving while intoxicated (DWI/DUI) can lead to jail time, sky-high financial penalties and even a loss of your driving privileges. Contrary to what many drivers believe, there’s much room for Plano police to make errors in a DWI arrest. They have to follow the rules for the arrest to stick. We might be able to challenge the reliability of a chemical test, the observations of the arresting officer and whether the police were in their rights to stop you in the first place.
- Domestic Violence. Under Texas domestic violence laws, the police owe a duty to protect victims of violence regardless of any family or domestic relationship between the parties. Domestic violence allegations can have an extreme impact even if you’re never convicted. Our lawyers will look at your case from every angle. We might work to prove that the allegations against you were false or that there isn’t any evidence to support the charges.
- Federal Crimes. Federal charges can apply in white collar cases, drug cases and most other criminal matters where state lines were crossed. When you’re facing federal charges, the case is handled in federal court. That means you need a lawyer who knows the federal court rules–which are much different than those in Texas courts. Federal charges are usually considered to be more serious than state-level charges. The stakes are high and our lawyers have what it takes to create the defense you need.
- Juvenile Crimes. Under Texas law, a juvenile crime is a crime committed by someone age 17 or under. In other words, by someone who isn’t yet considered an adult. Sometimes, 17-year-olds are even tried as adults. A key feature of the juvenile criminal system is a focus on rehabilitation. Still, it’s possible for your child to be tried as an adult. And even the juvenile justice system can be harsh. Our lawyers will work to help your family avoid the harsh consequences of a criminal conviction. We’ll argue for rehabilitation over punishment by presenting evidence about your character, past history, school performance, goals for the future and more.
- Sex Crimes. The stigma attached to a sex crime allegation might be more severe than any other type of crime. Whether you’ve been accused of sexual assault, child pornography, sexual assault of a child or prostitution, you need the strongest criminal defense possible. At Edgett Law Firm, we put the full weight of our experience into clearing your name. We can work to dispel any false allegations, discredit the prosecution’s evidence and challenge witness credibility. We’ll aggressively work to identify alternatives that can introduce reasonable doubt into the equation to protect your freedom.
- Theft Crimes. Conviction on theft crime charges can result in lasting consequences that might remain even after you’ve served your punishment. A theft charge threatens your integrity. Employers, landlords and others might question whether they can trust you. Hiring a strong and respected criminal defense lawyer gives you the best shot at keeping your record clean. Whether you’ve been arrested for shoplifting, embezzlement or even burglary, our Plano lawyers at Edgett Law Firm can help.
- White Collar Crimes. White collar crimes can be punished harshly despite their non-violent nature. However, they’re also difficult to prove. Most of these crimes take place in a corporate setting or involve sophisticated technology. Our lawyers are well-equipped to handle the evidentiary challenges white collar cases present. If you’ve been charged with tax fraud, securities fraud, mortgage fraud or another white collar crime, give us a call today to learn more about our expertise.
- Violent Crimes. If you’ve been accused of committing a violent crime, you don’t have time to waste. Penalties in these serious cases can be elevated by any number of factors. The severity of the injuries alleged and whether a firearm was used are both aggravating factors that can add years to a prison sentence if you’re convicted. Mandatory minimum sentencing requirements might also apply. Despite the societal stigma, prosecutors still have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Our lawyers will identify any weaknesses and use our own evidence to introduce reasonable doubt into the equation.
No matter the charges, having a strong legal advocate in your corner is the key to a successful outcome. To learn more, call our law office for a free consultation today.
Call An Experienced Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer For Help Today
Failing to take action when you have been accused of a crime is a surefire path to conviction. If you are the suspect in an investigation or have been charged with a crime, don’t hesitate to get legal help. Our skilled and compassionate lawyers at Edgett Law Firm are here to fight for your future and your freedom.
To schedule your free consultation with an experienced Plano criminal defense lawyer, all you have to do is call. We’re always available and ready to put our skills and experience to work for you. We serve clients in Collin County, Dallas County, and across North Texas.