When it comes to federal crimes, many people do not realize they are being investigated by the federal government until the charges are filed. Federal investigations are secretly conducted, which is why is it not uncommon for someone to be completely shocked when federal agents appear at their home or business.

The Following Are Some Common Signs That You Are Under Federal Investigation:

  • You are visited by a federal agent – When an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), or even Homeland Security knocks on your door and asks to speak with you, then you’re most likely being investigated by the federal government.
  • Your home or work is being searched – Federal agents may execute a search warrant on your house, officer, or otherwise any place you frequently visit.
  • You receive a grand jury subpoena – If you are a business owner, your company may receive a subpoena to obtain certain records. Additionally, your business associates could be interviewed, searched, or subpoenaed to testify against you.
  • You receive a target letter – A federal prosecutor may send you a target letter, which indicates you are a target of a federal investigation. The letter often asks you to speak with a federal agent or prosecutor about the accusations or pending charges.
  • You are contacted by an Office of Inspector General (OIG) agent – If you are a federal employee, being contacted by an OIG agent means you are under investigation. The agent will ask you questions about your official duties or ask you to provide information voluntarily.

To learn more, call our criminal defense law firm at 972-525-4963 or visit our contact us page to send us an email.