Denton County DWI Lawyer

Aggressive Legal Defense Against Impaired Driving Charges in Texas

If a police officer believes you’re driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you’ll likely face a DWI arrest. Driving while intoxicated is considered a serious crime in the state of Texas. Even a first offense DWI can completely upend a person’s life — leading to a driver’s license suspension, heavy fines, criminal record, and even jail time. Put simply, our state does not consider impaired driving a minor criminal offense. Therefore, it’s critical to reach out to a Denton County DWI lawyer before speaking with police or agreeing to a plea deal.

At Edgett Law Firm, we’ve seen what can happen when people take on the criminal justice system alone. Even with a public defender at your side, Texas law can exact a heavy toll when punishing alleged intoxicated drivers. However, avoiding the worst DWI penalties may be possible — and it may even be possible to avoid a conviction entirely. Experienced criminal defense lawyers are typically well-acquainted with impaired and drunk driving cases. When you work with our law firm, we’ll put this experience to work for you.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Do You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney for DWI Charges?

You may also hear a DWI charge referred to as “driving under the influence” (DUI). Regardless of the terminology used, many defendants immediately believe that a conviction is unavoidable. After all, a police officer typically won’t arrest someone until after conducting blood alcohol and field sobriety tests. Failing these tests can certainly complicate a DUI defense, but it doesn’t make exoneration completely impossible. In fact, it’s very possible that Denton DWI lawyers may be able to have charges thrown out entirely.

Put simply, even seemingly “open and shut” cases are not guaranteed to result in a conviction. For instance, did you know that field sobriety test errors can make results inadmissible in court? Additionally, did you know that a recent issue with breathalyzer tests up north resulted in more than 27,000 convictions being thrown out? The lesson here is that there’s no such thing as a “slam dunk” for the state prosecution. A DWI defense attorney in Denton County can review your case and help you understand all your options.

And since Edgett Law Firm offers a free consultation, you have nothing to lose by learning more about your rights.

Why Do You Need Denton DWI Lawyers for a Plea Deal?

Many people charged with DWI and DUI offenses opt to accept a plea agreement from the prosecution. This is particularly common for first-time charges — as prosecutors will assure defendants that no serious repercussions will come as long as they commit no future crimes. Unfortunately, this typically isn’t how things work out. Accepting a plea deal often has the same repercussions as being found guilty. Reaching such an agreement may be the right choice in some cases, but you should never do it alone.

That’s because the prosecution will typically try to secure as many penalties as possible under criminal law. Put simply, why should you engage in plea negotiations if the outcome will be the same as going to court and losing? Instead, you should have a Denton County DWI attorney review your case and help you understand all your options. If agreeing to a plea deal is what’s in your best interest, Edgett Law Firm will work hard to ensure you get favorable terms in the agreement.

The state is focused on punishing DWI offenders to the furthest extent possible, so you should have an advocate on your side who’s ready to fight back.

What Are the Penalties for DWI in Texas?

The importance of an effective DUI defense only becomes obvious when you recognize the potential penalties you could face. Even a first-time conviction — which often comes with the prosecution promising that DWI probation won’t be that bad — can have life-changing consequences. That’s because the following penalties are possible even for a single impaired driving conviction:

  • Mandatory 3-day incarceration term
  • Potential for 180 days in jail
  • Fines of up to $2,000
  • Administrative license revocation for up to two years
  • Potential for ignition interlock device (IID)
  • Yearly $2,000 surcharge to maintain your license for three years
  • DWI education program — with fees paid by the defendant

Even with a first-time conviction, a person could end up calling the Texas Department of Corrections home for a few days. In a worst-case scenario, they could find themselves imprisoned for months. This crime is typically charged as a Class B misdemeanor, but certain aggravating factors can raise it to a Class A misdemeanor. This increases the potential for more strict penalties. It’s also the case that subsequent convictions can lead to more difficulties.

For instance, a second DWI conviction can result in fines of up to $4,000, up to one year in jail (minimum one month), a two-year license suspension, and other devastating impacts. If you’re arrested for any of the following, even a first-time conviction can result in major criminal penalties:

  • DWI with a child passenger
  • DWI resulting in injury
  • DWI resulting in death
  • Driving with an open container (even if not intoxicated)
  • Driving intoxicated in a school zone
  • DWI with a revoked or suspended license
  • DWI resulting in property damage
  • Fleeing the scene of an accident

The repercussions of an impaired driving conviction can be disastrous. This is why you should work directly with a Denton County drunk driving attorney. Even if a conviction cannot be avoided, it may be possible to secure an occupational driver’s license on your behalf, minimize jail time, get fines reduced, and secure other penalty reductions. However, our primary goal at Edgett Law Firm is to have the charges against you dismissed or secure a not-guilty verdict.

Every case is different, so schedule your free consultation at our law offices today to discuss your options.

What Are Potential Legal Defenses for DWI in Texas?

When charged with a DWI in Denton, TX, the deck will typically be stacked against you. What if the police conducted both field sobriety and blood alcohol concentration tests — and they claim you failed each of them? This is certainly damning evidence in DWI cases, but it’s critical for you to remember that there are legal defenses for impaired driving charges. Potential defenses could vary based on the circumstances of your case, but the following are the most commonly used strategies for straightforward impaired driving charges:

  • Lack of probable cause: Police officers can’t just pull you over for no reason. If there was no probable cause for a stop, any evidence against you could be inadmissible.
  • Challenging field sobriety tests: Subjectivity and the potential for administration mistakes are inherent to field sobriety tests. It’s often possible to challenge these test results.
  • Blood test and breathalyzer issues: Operator errors, maintenance failures, and calibration issues can all lead to inaccurate results. Certain medical conditions can also affect the accuracy of blood alcohol results.
  • Rising BAC: The defense may be able to argue that a person’s blood alcohol concentration was below the legal limit while they were driving — but it rose above the limit while waiting for test administration.
  • Constitutional violations: Any violation of a person’s rights can result in cases being thrown out or evidence being excluded.
  • Chain of custody issues: It’s sometimes possible to argue that urine or blood samples were improperly handled — thus affecting their integrity.
  • Officer misconduct: Deviations from proper protocol or obvious misconduct could potentially undermine the credibility of the arresting officer.

After realizing how many potential DWI defense strategies there are, some people opt to fight back without criminal defense lawyers on their side. Unfortunately, this is often a losing strategy. While each of these legal defenses could potentially have drunk driving charges thrown out or result in a not guilty verdict, not all of them are appropriate in every situation. It’s important for you to seek legal representation that can help you understand the ideal strategy in your case.

At Edgett Law Firm, we’ll help you understand the criminal charges against you, potential penalties, and how to effectively take on the legal system. Contact us today for a free consultation on your Denton County DWI case.

How Can You Choose the Right Law Offices for DWI Cases?

The State frequently treats alleged DWI offenders like they’re hardened criminals. Considering the fact that a person can be arrested for having keys in the ignition of their motor vehicle — while not even driving — such treatment is typically unfair and unwarranted. This is one of the many reasons it’s so important for accused individuals to have a Denton County DWI attorney on their side. However, choosing the right law firm can be difficult. Anyone can say they’ll work to help you keep your Texas driver’s license and avoid other penalties, but who can you really trust to get the job done?

When it comes down to it, there are a few things you should look for when choosing a DWI attorney in Denton County:

  • Experience: While novice attorneys have to learn somewhere, you don’t want your freedom in the hands of an inexperienced professional. We’ve handled thousands of cases at Edgett Law Firm.
  • Online reviews: Every attorney will promise to work hard to have criminal charges against you dismissed, but online reviews can give you a more accurate idea of their abilities.
  • Proven results: Years of legal experience mean nothing if those years were spent losing cases. Review any potential attorney’s website for examples of case victories.
  • Trial attorney: Far too many criminal defense lawyers will accept quick plea deals — even if it’s not in their client’s best interest. Find yourself a trial lawyer who isn’t afraid to fight in court.
  • Local representation: It’s typically ideal to find an attorney local to North Texas. These professionals will have working relationships with investigators, prosecutors, judges, and others.
  • Free consultations: Unfortunately, it’s rare to find a criminal defense attorney who offers free consultations. However, there are some, so don’t hesitate to seek out your options.

If you’ve been charged with a DWI in North Texas, you likely have some difficult times ahead. Even the loss of your driving privilege — one of the most common outcomes of a conviction — can destroy your life. After all, transportation is integral for many people. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this alone. At Edgett Law Firm, we’ll fight to ensure you’re not treated unfairly by the criminal justice system. Make sure you choose your legal representation carefully. Contact us today to discuss your case.

Contact a Denton County DWI Lawyer Today

If you’ve been charged under Texas DWI laws, it’s imperative that you understand what’s at risk. A conviction will not merely be a blemish on your record. Even when cases move swiftly through Texas courts, the repercussions of a guilty verdict can last a lifetime. Sadly, the short-term implications — such as the loss of driving privileges and hefty fines — can also prove disastrous. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this alone. A criminal defense attorney may be able to assist.

At Edgett Law Firm, you’ll work directly with a Denton DWI attorney who is committed to securing a favorable outcome on your behalf. We’ll strive to help you avoid a driver’s license suspension, fines, vehicle restrictions, and even jail time. You may think there’s no defense against impaired driving charges, and that’s exactly what prosecutors want you to think. Fortunately, this is often far from the case. A Denton County DWI lawyer at Edgett Law Firm is here and ready to help.

Contact us at (972) 810-3410 to schedule your free consultation.