Adderall Use within College Campuses

Adderall Use within College Campuses

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In a world where prospective employers are looking for more than just a college degree, the pressure for students to achieve is great. Often students take full-time course schedules, attend various college organization meetings, balance fraternity and sorority obligations and even manage to fit in a part-time job. Many overworked, overscheduled and overcommitted college students turn to concentration-enhancing study drugs like Ritalin and Adderall to aid them in their academic obligations. Adderall & Ritalin are typically prescribed to children and adults with attention-deficit disorder. It is a stimulant composed of amphetamine salts; when used by students without ADHD the effects can cause hyper focus and concentration.

Reasons College Students Take Neuro Enhancers

Though each students’ reason for taking the stimulant is likely different, the overarching reason most of the student population takes Adderall, Ritalin, and other study enhancers is to be able to keep up with their studies. Other students use the drug to give themselves the ability to party and procrastinate but still turn in their work at the end of the week. An article in The New Yorker quoted one student saying “One of the most impressive features of being a student is how aware you are of a twenty-four-hour work cycle. When you conceive of what to do it’s not in terms of nine to five but in terms of what you can physically do in a week”.

Health Risks Associated With Neuro Enhancers

Despite Adderall and other ADHD prescription drugs federally listed as Schedule II drugs, most college students do not perceive the drug as dangerous. Some college students purchase the pills online or through various friends while other college students manage to obtain a prescription through their doctor by listing off the symptoms of ADHD. In an article published in The New York Times, one student’s father recalled his son explaining to him, “The doctor wouldn’t give me anything that’s bad for me. I’m not buying it on the street corner.” This student later developed an addiction to Adderall that later lead him to display the negative side effects of the drug, including depression, rapid mood swings, insomnia and irritability. His addiction eventually led him to have paranoid delusions and violent outbursts. Concerned for his health, his parents and doctors took him off the medication. He took his life shortly after finishing his last prescription.

Side Effects of Taking Adderall in College

Students taking Adderall, risk the following side effects:

  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Rapid Mood Swings
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Body Temperature Rising

Adderall Possession Is Illegal

Despite the prevalence of the drug on college campuses, possession of the substance without a prescription is illegal. If you are caught in possession of the pills, you could be arrested and charged with possession of a Schedule II controlled substance. Possession of Adderall is considered a misdemeanor in Texas. You could face up to a year in jail and face fines of up to $4,000. If you are caught with more than 200 grams of the substance, you could be charged with intent to sell, which could lead to up to 20 years in prison and fines upwards of $10,000.

At the Edgett Law Firm, our Plano drug lawyer understands what is at stake as a college student facing drug charges. We can fight tirelessly to ensure your case has the best outcome possible for the situation.

To learn more, call our criminal defense law firm at 972-525-4963 or visit our contact us page to send us an email.

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