Denton County Criminal Defense Lawyer

Dedicated Legal Representation Focused on Securing Favorable Outcomes

A criminal conviction can completely derail a person’s life. Even years after their case concludes, a person may encounter difficulties finding a job, employment, housing, and even higher education opportunities. Criminal charges and convictions are also a matter of public record, so anyone searching your name online may find out more than you want known. When combined with the potential for incarceration and other negative outcomes, it becomes clear why working with Denton County criminal defense lawyers is so important.

At Edgett Law Firm, our team of experienced legal professionals is focused on securing a favorable outcome for each of our clients. Texas courts, police officers, and politicians take great pride in being “tough on crime,” but in many cases, this results in unfair or disproportionate outcomes. Keep in mind that the state doesn’t want you to seek legal representation. Doing so complicates their job. This is why you should not hesitate to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Denton County. If you’ve been charged with a crime, our law firm is here to help.

What Should You Do After an Arrest?

We’ve all heard the term “You have the right to remain silent” on crime drama television shows. While there are certainly many fictions woven into these programs, the right to remain silent is actually imperative. In criminal cases, defendants are not required to speak with a police officer, investigator, or prosecuting attorney. Whether you’re facing misdemeanor or felony criminal charges, your first step should always be to remain silent. If you’re placed under arrest, police already assume you’re guilty. Speaking to them can only make things worse.

Of course, it’s understandable if you feel the urge to declare your innocence. It may feel like the only way police will release you. Fortunately, this is often not the case. In most instances, individuals arrested for a crime have a variety of legal options — including the right to be released on bail. This will vary by case, but an experienced criminal defense attorney in Denton County can help you better understand your options and the potential to be released. Even if you contact a family member who posts your bail, your next call should be to a criminal lawyer.

At Edgett Law Firm, we defend our clients against a variety of criminal charges. Our goal is always to have charges dismissed or to secure a not-guilty verdict. However, we also understand that other outcomes could be positive, given the situation. Regardless of the charges you’re facing — either a misdemeanor or felony of varying degrees — we’re here to help you understand your rights. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll work hard to ensure you’re not railroaded by the system.

What Cases Does Edgett Law Firm Handle?

Criminal law is a broad and complex area. In some cases, it’s so broad that certain law firms will focus only on single issues — such as drunk driving charges or white collar crimes. It’s imperative for anyone charged with a crime to seek legal representation — someone who has experience in cases similar to their own. At Edgett Law Firm, we pride ourselves on having extensive knowledge in a variety of criminal law matters. In fact, we regularly help individuals who are facing criminal charges in the following areas of Texas law:

  • Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Fraud
  • Drug possession
  • Other drug Crimes
  • DWI
  • Federal Crimes
  • Shoplifting
  • False allegations
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Sexual assault
  • Other sex Crimes
  • Child Pornography
  • White Collar Crimes

When you’re considering Denton County criminal defense lawyers, there’s no shortage of law offices to choose from. However, we truly believe Edgett Law Firm is the right choice for your case. We offer free consultations, so you won’t pay a dime to learn if we can handle your case. Even if you don’t see the criminal offense you’re charged with here, we may still be able to help. Separate areas of criminal law in Texas intersect, and if we’re not the right choice for your case, we can recommend someone who can help.

Our goal is to secure a favorable outcome in all criminal defense cases that come our way. Contact us today to schedule a free case review.

What Potential Criminal Penalties Could You Face?

When you reach out to law offices regarding your case, you may have questions about the potential penalties you could face. In many instances, prosecutors may not be fully forthcoming with this information. They may tell you that a plea deal is your best option — but being transparent about potential penalties could dissuade defendants from accepting such a deal. However, it’s also the case that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to “What criminal penalties could I face in Texas?”

That’s because any potential sentence will depend upon the circumstances of the crime you’re charged with. For instance, a Class C misdemeanor will not result in any jail time — just a fine. However, misdemeanors charged as Class A or B could result in jail terms of one year or 180 days, respectively. Any crime charged as a felony would bump up potential incarceration to at least one year. Additionally, there are many crimes (e.g., aggravated robbery, attempted capital murder, aggravated sexual assault) that could result in a life sentence in Texas.

Speaking with Denton County criminal defense lawyers is one way to fully understand the potential consequences you’re up against. Anyone facing criminal charges may find themselves overcharged by the prosecutor, and this can result in unfair outcomes. It’s estimated that around 5% of incarcerated individuals are actually innocent, but you don’t have to become part of this statistic. Contact Edgett Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation.

Should You Just Accept a Plea Deal?

Did you know that most people charged with a criminal offense will never go to trial? While crime drama shows typically make a big deal about litigation, the truth is that most criminal cases are resolved via plea deals. This helps reduce the burden on our court system, and in some cases, plea negotiations are a powerful tool for securing a positive result. However, it’s critical to keep in mind that criminal matters are complex. Even if a plea deal offered by the prosecutor seems like a great option, accepting it without legal counsel can have serious consequences.

Police and prosecutors want you to believe that their case against you is strong. However, it’s often the case that they’ll offer such deals because they are concerned about their ability to secure a conviction. By accepting a plea deal, you’re essentially admitting guilt and accepting whatever punishment the state hands down. This will leave you with a lasting criminal record, and it’s not just serious felony charges that can make things difficult down the road. Even a misdemeanor conviction can make leading a thriving life challenging.

However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider a plea deal when facing criminal charges. In some instances, there may be more than enough evidence to convict a person. When this is the case, a plea deal may be the best way to avoid the most serious repercussions available under the law. The important thing is to have a Denton County criminal defense attorney handle these negotiations on your behalf. They can often secure a more favorable outcome than defendants can on their own, and this is far from the only benefit of hiring an attorney.

How Can Criminal Defense Lawyers Assist in Your Case?

At Edgett Law Firm, we pride ourselves on the benefits we provide to our clients. For instance, we have a wealth of experience when it comes to negotiating fair plea deals. That’s because our law firm maintains an excellent reputation with both prosecutors and judges in our state. Maybe you’re charged with misdemeanor shoplifting or assault — or perhaps you’re accused of felony sex offenses or murder. Regardless of the allegations against you, our law offices will work to secure a fair plea deal on your behalf.

Of course, our reputation with the courts doesn’t mean we’re unwilling to push back hard. Plea deals are only appropriate when a better outcome isn’t possible. At Edgett Law Firm, we don’t just “phone it in” to reach a quick resolution in your case. Most of our time is spent speaking with experts, interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and examining all available evidence. Our goal is always to secure an outcome that doesn’t end in a criminal record. In many cases, we’ve had serious charges dismissed — and our trial lawyer is no stranger to not-guilty verdicts.

Perhaps your constitutional rights were violated during an arrest, or maybe the evidence available can create reasonable doubt of guilt. Regardless of the underlying circumstances, Denton County criminal defense lawyers should always focus on securing the best possible outcome in your case — not merely the quickest or simplest resolution. At Edgett Law Firm, that’s exactly the approach we take. If you’re facing criminal charges, know that we’re dedicated to helping each of our clients keep their lives on track.

Can Your Denton County Criminal Record Be Expunged?

Criminal defense lawyers do their best work when they’re hired early on. If you’re charged with a crime, you’ll typically benefit from visiting law offices as soon as possible. However, it’s possible that you might already have a criminal conviction on your record. Perhaps you were concerned you couldn’t afford a lawyer, or maybe the police convinced you that admitting guilt was your best option. Whatever the case may be, it’s possible that you may already have a criminal record. Fortunately, some convictions can be expunged in the state of Texas.

Denton County criminal defense attorneys can help you file the appropriate paperwork to get the process started. If successful, your record could be expunged and hidden from public view. While certain parties can still view these records — such as law enforcement agencies — expungement can help you avoid the lasting consequences of a public record. However, your ability to expunge a record typically depends upon the criminal offense you’re convicted of. This is why you should speak with an attorney to see if you qualify.

Of course, you should never forego legal representation in a criminal case just because you think expungement may be an option later on. Far too many people fail to hire an attorney because they believe it costs too much, but the cost of incarceration, fines, and other penalties often exceeds the cost of an attorney. Additionally, Texas often uses recoupment as a way to charge defendants for the cost of court-appointed attorneys. Put simply, working with a dedicated legal professional as soon as you’re arrested is ideal.

How to Choose Criminal Defense Lawyers in Denton County

When you’re looking for criminal defense law offices in our area, there’s certainly no shortage of options available. Unfortunately, not all law firms are created equally. During your search, you may find rookie attorneys with great intentions — or you might find lawyers with minimal trial experience. In these and other instances, you could hire a legal professional and not get the experience and dedication you expect. This is why you should take great care when choosing between law offices. The following considerations are important:

  • Experience: There are certainly great novice attorneys, but you don’t want to risk your freedom on someone with minimal experience. Scott E. Edgett has represented thousands of clients.
  • Trial experience: Far too many attorneys avoid the courtroom at all costs. Unfortunately, accepting a plea deal will not always result in a fair outcome. Our law firm is ready to go to trial when necessary.
  • Local representation: You want an attorney who has working relationships with local judges and prosecutors. That’s what you’ll get at Edgett Law Firm.
  • Great reviews: Always check online reviews before contacting an attorney. Edgett Law Firm has a stellar 4.8 stars on Google Reviews — because our clients know we get the job done.

In a perfect world, all Denton County criminal defense attorneys would provide similar levels of service. Unfortunately, that’s not the world that we live in. Choosing the wrong criminal lawyer could have lasting repercussions on your life. You want someone with the experience, knowledge, and dedication to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf. At Edgett Law Firm, that’s precisely what we strive for. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We’ll work hard so you can focus more on rebuilding your life than worrying about an alleged criminal offense.

Why Not Accept a Free Public Defender for Your Case?

Speak to any current or former prosecutor, and they’ll tell you that their job is easiest when someone doesn’t have legal counsel. However, their job often isn’t made much more difficult when defendants opt for public defenders. Everyone is guaranteed legal representation under the law, but these state-funded defense attorneys aren’t exactly what you might expect. As mentioned, the recoupment process often means that this “free” legal counsel isn’t free at all — with some defendants receiving bills for $10,000 after their cases conclude.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the only negative aspect of opting for a public defender. It’s a sad fact, but these legal professionals are typically overworked. In fact, statistics show that these public servants handle caseloads three times larger than recommended by national standards. Imagine a situation where your manager increased your workload by triple without providing additional assistance. Now imagine that your ability to handle this caseload could literally mean the difference between freedom and imprisonment for certain individuals.

Put simply, public defenders are grossly overworked — so working with criminal defense lawyers at private law firms is often recommended. At Edgett Law Firm, our legal professionals never take on more than we can handle — and your case will always be a priority of our firm. When you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Denton County on your side, look no further than Edgett Law Firm. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Contact a Denton County Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Whether you’re arrested in Denton County, Collin County, or any of the surrounding areas, it’s important to understand your rights and options. Even if you’re facing either a Class B or Class C misdemeanor — which are typically viewed as less serious — the repercussions of a conviction can be far more severe than you expect. In fact, prosecutors will often overcharge as a way to scare defendants into accepting a plea deal for lesser charges. You can’t imagine how many times we’ve seen simple assault cases charged as aggravated assault — and many other instances of excessive prosecution.

At Edgett Law Firm, we know that what you’re going through seems intimidating. It’s not uncommon or unwise to think that a plea deal may be in your best interest. However, accepting such a deal or entering a court plea without first speaking with a Denton County criminal defense lawyer can be a huge mistake. At the very least, you should seek a case review in order to understand all your legal options. Our law firm is here to help. Contact us at (972) 810-3410 to schedule your free consultation today. Our dedicated team will work hard to help you avoid serious criminal penalties.