Denton County Federal Crimes Lawyer

A Dedicated Legal Team Fighting to Protect Your Rights

Being charged with any crime is a daunting experience. However, facing federal criminal charges is often more disastrous than most people imagine. Federal crimes are viewed as particularly serious — so much so that the U.S. Government opts to prosecute. It’s scary to think that an alleged crime in Denton, TX, can result in federal involvement, but such situations occur regularly. If you’ve found yourself facing this scenario, working with a Denton County federal crimes lawyer is critical.

At Edgett Law Firm, you’ll work with a criminal defense attorney who is committed to securing a favorable outcome on your behalf. Being charged with a federal crime often carries more severe penalties than state crimes, and if an alleged offender is incarcerated, their term would be served in a federal detention facility. In addition to prison terms, heavy fines, and other consequences, this means a person could be imprisoned far away from their community and family.

Regardless of the potential penalties you’re facing, our federal crimes lawyer in Denton County is here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why Is a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer So Important?

Similar to state crimes, federal criminal charges often aren’t resolved at trial. While a federal court can hear testimony and evidence, the majority of these charges are resolved with plea deals. Many people question whether they need an attorney to do this — or if they need legal representation at all. While these are certainly understandable concerns, the fact remains that “going it alone” in the legal process can lead to disastrous results.

First off, the nature of federal offenses is often far more complex than state crimes. Allegations often include accusations of large-scale operations, significant financial impacts, and extensive criminal networks. This can make navigating the complexities of the federal court system extremely difficult. You’ll also find that a conviction for federal criminal activity will typically lead to more severe penalties than those seen in state courts.

Even if you don’t plan on fighting these charges, it’s important to remember that police officers and prosecutors are not your friends under criminal law. They want a conviction, and any plea deal they offer will likely give them most of what they want. This is why it’s critical for you to have a Denton County federal criminal attorney on your side — whether you need help with plea negotiations or are ready to take your case to trial.

Can You Face Double Jeopardy With Federal Criminal Charges?

When people walk into our law offices, they often ask questions about “double jeopardy.” This is the concept that a person can be charged twice for the same crime. Whether you’re asking federal criminal defense attorneys, the District Attorney, or a former prosecutor — they’ll all tell you that double jeopardy is not allowed under the Constitution. However, things can get complex when it comes to state and federal criminal charges. That’s because a person can be charged with the same criminal act on both a state and federal level.

Unfortunately, for those who find themselves in this situation, such charges are not considered double jeopardy. That’s because dual sovereignty exists, and since there are different levels of government, each charge is viewed as its own issue. This means you could be found guilty of a federal crime even if you avoid a criminal conviction on the state level. Unfortunately, this can get very complex — and that’s why you should work with Denton criminal defense attorneys. With an experienced legal professional on your side, it may be possible to avoid consequences at the federal and state levels.

How to Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Before you step into a criminal court — or even start speaking to law enforcement or consider a plea deal — you want to make sure you’re working with a legal professional who handles federal criminal defense cases. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to choose between law firms. There are plenty of attorneys in Denton and North Texas, so how do you choose the right criminal defense attorney for your case? There are a few important considerations to take into account:

  • How long has the law firm been around? Edgett Law Firm has handled thousands of cases since 2010.
  • Is the firm a plea deal mill? You don’t want an attorney who’s only willing to handle plea negotiations. At Edgett Law Firm, we’ll take your case to trial if it’s the right move.
  • Do they offer local representation? You want a local attorney who has working relationships with private investigators, attorneys, prosecutors, and judges.
  • What do online reviews say? An attorney can claim they’re the best for your case, but what do their former clients say?
  • Do they offer free consultations? At Edgett Law Firm, we don’t believe you should have to pay just to understand your rights.

No Denton County federal criminal attorney can guarantee a certain outcome in your case. The simple fact is that the criminal justice system is difficult to predict at times — particularly on a federal level. However, working with a proven and experienced trial lawyer can be invaluable to your case. At Edgett Law Firm, we don’t just tell people that we’re the right choice for the job — we have the case results to back it up.

You have plenty of options when choosing between federal crime lawyers in Denton, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a law firm as committed, dedicated, experienced, and focused on your rights as the Edgett Law Firm.

Contact a Denton County Federal Crimes Lawyer Today

Criminal cases take on a much more serious note when they’re filed on the federal level. While it’s certainly true that state criminal charges can result in severe consequences, there’s no denying that federal law very often hands down more consequential penalties. Although there are court-appointed criminal defense lawyers available on the federal level, the fact is that these are overworked professionals who very frequently just want a case to conclude so they can focus on other issues.

At Edgett Law Firm, we firmly believe that everyone accused of criminal charges deserves a dedicated and aggressive legal defense. Texas criminal lawyers often find themselves representing clients accused of federal crimes, and unfortunately, not all law firms have experience in federal courts. That’s why it’s critical to work with a legal professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of this system. That’s exactly what you’ll find at Edgett Law Firm.

Contact us at (972) 810-3410 to schedule your free initial consultation. Our Denton County federal crimes lawyer is here to help.