McKinney Drug Manufacturing Lawyer

The manufacture or cultivation of drugs is considered one of the most serious drug crimes in the United States. These substantial charges can be filed against any person accused of growing or producing illegal controlled substances derived from plants or chemicals. Not only does an offender face state charges but he or she may be convicted on federal charges as well.
If you are accused of manufacturing or cultivating drugs in Texas, it is imperative that you obtain legal representation from a qualified drug crimes lawyer.
At the Edgett Law Firm, our McKinney drug crimes attorneys can protect your rights, reputation, and freedom. With over a decade of experience, he has successfully handled cases like yours, and he understands what it takes to get the charges reduced or your case dismissed entirely.
Penalties For Drug Manufacturing In Mckinney, TX

Texas is known for having some of the most severe penalties for drug crimes, and punishment for manufacturing or cultivating a drug listed in any of the 4 penalty groups can range from a state jail felony sentence of 180 days to a state prison sentence of 2 years and a fine of up to $10,000 to life in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000.
Penalties for violation of Texas drug manufacturing and cultivation laws vary depending on the following factors:
- Type of drug
- Quantity
- How the drug was being cultivated
- Prior criminal convictions
If the controlled substance involved in the case is not listed in any of the penalty groups, an offender can be convicted of a Class A misdemeanor. This misdemeanor is punishable by a maximum jail sentence of 1 year and a fine of up to $4,000.
Put Our Team On Your Side
With such serious penalties for drug manufacturing and cultivation, having an experienced McKinney drug manufacturing attorney to help you in every step of the legal process is important. Our defense team can conduct a thorough investigation into your case, collect our own evidence, and analyze evidence gathered by law enforcement in order to build an aggressive and personalized case strategy just for you.
If you have been arrested for drug manufacturing or cultivation in McKinney, call 972-525-4963 today or contact our firm online.